Tag Archives: howto

How to datamosh videos with automation

Datamoshing videos can be a time-consuming process, automation can help. For Windows users AutoHotkey is free, open-source macro-creation and automation software that can handle some of the repetitive tasks involved in datamoshing.

The following script for AutoHotkey automates I-frame removal in Avidemux, normally a manual process described in this tutorial. The video above was datamoshed using this automation script.

Load AutoHotkey with the script below and then when it comes time to best watch replica for sale remove I-frames in Avidemux simply focus the slider below the video and press Control+F to trigger the AutoHotkey script. The script will send the appropriate key strokes to remove the next 10 I-frames while you pop out for a break.

; Remove next 10 I-frames
Loop 10 {
	Sleep, 500
	Sleep, 500
	Sleep, 500
	Sleep, 500
	Sleep, 1000

These types of scripts could also be used to automate key strokes while hex editing images, consider a script which would move a certain number of characters across and then insert a character — that could glitch out an image quite nicely. Similarly one could experiment with automating photo editing processes by scripting with a program like AutoHotkey.

Some of these types of automation could be accomplished through the usage of a programming framework, or scripting language, but automating at the user interface level can remove a lot of overhead and restrictions.


How to glitch images using RGB channel shifting

Channel shifting is the process of taking the red, green or blue values of pixels in an image and applying those values to pixels in different positions on the image. In this tutorial we are going to accomplish this effect using the Processing language.

If you don’t have the time or inclination to glitch images using scripts you can use dedicated apps such as Glitch for iOS.


To get started download and install the latest version of Processing, version 3.1.1 at the time of writing this. I’ve written a channel shifting script you can download here, you’ll have to unzip it once it’s downloaded. Once you’ve installed and opened Processing you can load the script by accessing the menu.

File > Open

And navigating to the ChannelShiftGlitch.pde script file. In the script, which are referred to as sketches in Processing, you’ll need to change the following lines to point the script at the image you want to glitch. It’s easiest to place the image in the same directory as the script file.

// image path is relative to sketch directory
String imgFileName = "MyImage";
String fileType = "jpg";

I’ve set up some settings variables to make the script easier to use, you can see these towards the top of the script under the comment of script settings.

// repeat the process this many times
int iterations = 5;

// use result image as new source for iterations
boolean recursiveIterations = false;

// shift the image vertically true/false
boolean shiftVertically = false;

// shift the image horizontally true/false
boolean shiftHorizontally = true;

This script is able to apply the same channel shifting effect multiple times, the number of times is specified by the iterations variable, currently set to 5. This variable drives a for loop around the channel shifting code as seen below.

// repeat the process according 
// to the iterations variable
    for(int i = 0;i < iterations;i++)
      // generate random numbers 
      // for which channels to swap
      int sourceChannel = int(random(3));
      int targetChannel = int(random(3));

You can also see in this code where the script generates a random number which will determine which of the three channels, red, green or blue are used as a source, and which of the three channels are used as a target. Next the script sets up the shifting positions, how far vertically and how far horizontally the channel should be shifted. These are either 0 if shifting is set to false for that plane (determined by the shiftHorizontally and shiftVertically settings), or a random number between the 0 and the height or width of the image.

// start with no horizontalShift 
int horizontalShift = 0; 

// if shiftHorizontally is true generate a 
// random number to shift horizontally by
  horizontalShift = int(random(targetImg.width));
// start with no verticalShift 
int verticalShift = 0;
// if shiftVertically is true generate a 
// random number to shift vertically by
  verticalShift = int(random(targetImg.height));

Next the script calls the main copyChannel method. This method accepts pixel arrays of the source and target images and will copy one channel to another from one part of the image to another and wrap around both horizontally and vertically if it runs out of space.

// shift the channel

The method starts by starting a counter to loop through the rows of pixels in the image, top-to-bottom. This counter is added to the sourceYOffset variable to apply the vertical shift. If the vertical shift plus the counter is higher than the image height we subtract the image height to wrap the shift around to the top of the image.

// starting at the sourceY and pointerY
// loop through the rows
for(int y = 0; y < targetImg.height; y++) { 
  // add y counter to sourceY 
  int sourceYOffset = sourceY + y; 

  // wrap around the top of the 
  // image if we've hit the bottom 
  if(sourceYOffset >= targetImg.height)
    sourceYOffset -= targetImg.height;

Within the row loop the script starts another counter to loop through the columns in that row, left-to-right. It also adds that counter to the sourceXOffset to apply the horizontal shift. If the horizontal shift plus the counter is wider than the image width we subtract the image width to wrap the shift around to the left of the image.

// starting at the sourceX and pointerX 
// loop through the pixels in this row
for(int x = 0; x < targetImg.width; x++) 
  // add x counter to sourceX 
  int sourceXOffset = sourceX + x; 

  // wrap around the left side of the 
  // image if we've hit the right side 
  if(sourceXOffset >= targetImg.width)
    sourceXOffset -= targetImg.width;

Processing stores image pixels in an array as illustrated in the image below.


In order to access a pixel at specific x/y coordinates in the image we use the formula below.

y * width + x

Next the script isolates the RGB (red, green, blue) values for both the source and target pixels by using the formula above to access the pixel and then some Processing methods to extract the separate RGB channel values.

// get the color of the source pixel
color sourcePixel = 
  sourcePixels[sourceYOffset * targetImg.width + sourceXOffset];
// get the RGB values of the source pixel
float sourceRed = red(sourcePixel);
float sourceGreen = green(sourcePixel);
float sourceBlue = blue(sourcePixel);
// get the color of the target pixel
color targetPixel = targetPixels[y * targetImg.width + x]; 

// get the RGB of the target pixel
// two of the RGB channel values are required 
// to create the new target color
// the new target color is two of the target
// RGB channel values and one RGB channel value 
// from the source
float targetRed = red(targetPixel);
float targetGreen = green(targetPixel);
float targetBlue = blue(targetPixel);

Now that the script has the RGB of the source pixel and RGB of the target pixel we can proceed to shift one of the channels. We use a switch statement for this, deciding which source channel to use based on the sourceChannel variable which has a holds a random number we generated earlier, either 0, 1 or 2.

// create a variable to hold 
// the new source RGB channel value
float sourceChannelValue = 0;
// assigned the source channel value 
// based on sourceChannel random number passed in
  case 0:
    // use red channel from source
    sourceChannelValue = sourceRed;
  case 1:
    // use green channel from source
    sourceChannelValue = sourceGreen;
  case 2:
    // use blue channel from source
    sourceChannelValue = sourceBlue;

After selecting a source channel we apply that channel value to either the red, green or blue channel of the target pixel, again using a switch statement, this time based on the targetChannel variable.

// assigned the source channel value to a 
// target channel based on targetChannel 
// random number passed in
  case 0:
    // assign value to target red channel
    targetPixels[y * targetImg.width + x] = 
 case 1:
    // assign value to target green channel
    targetPixels[y * targetImg.width + x] = 
 case 2:
    // assign value to target blue channel
    targetPixels[y * targetImg.width + x] = 

That’s it for the copyChannel method. The channel has been shifted in the target image at this point. Back in the main draw method of the script there is an if statement that determines whether or not the next iteration (if the iterations variable is to to greater than 1) will use the original image as a source, or use the new shifted image as a source.

// use the target as the new source 
// for the next iteration
  sourceImg.pixels = targetImg.pixels;

Using the original image as a source for more than 3 iterations is rather pointless because there are only three channels in the original image to shift to around, always resulting in three shifted ghost images. So if you set iterations higher than 3 you should probably set recursiveIterations to true.


Setting the recursiveIterations variable to true at the beginning of the script will use each new shifted image as a source for the next iteration and will result in much more dynamic results when iterations is set higher than 3, say 25 or 50.


Personally I prefer restricting the shifting to either horizontal or vertical alone, but the script allows for the combination  by changing the shiftVertically and shiftHorizontally settings. You can find more Processing tutorials here, and remember, if you’re going to corrupt, corrupt absolutely. #corruptabsolutely

iOS (iPhone, iPad)




How to datamosh videos

Datamoshing is the process of manipulating the data of media files in order to achieve visual or auditory effects when the file is decoded. In some cases the term datamoshing is used perfect Replica Watches best quality to describe this process applied to any type of media file — I like to think it applies solely to video since it results in moving images being moshed together. Regardless of the application of the term, datamoshing videos can be done quite easily with free, cross-platform tools.

Modern compressed video files have very complex methods of reducing the amount of storage or bandwidth needed to display the video. To do this most formats don’t store the entire image for each frame.

Frames which store an entire picture are called I-frames (Intra-coded), and can be displayed without any additional information.

Frames which don’t contain the entire picture require information from other frames in order to be displayed, either previous or subsequent frames, these frames are called P-frames (Predicted) and B-frames (Bi-predictive). Instead of storing full pictures these P-frames and B-frames contain data describing only the differences in the picture from the preceding frame, and/or from the next frame, this data is much smaller compared to storing the entire picture — especially in videos where there isn’t much movement.

When a video is encoded, or compressed, a combination of these types of frames are used. In most cases this means many P-frames with I-frames interspersed at regular intervals and where drastic visual changes in the video occur. More information on frame types can be found here.

If an I-frame is corrupted, removed or replaced the data contained in the following P-frames is applied to the wrong picture. In the above video I-frames have been removed and so instead of scenes changing properly you see the motion from a new scene applied to a picture from a previous frame. This process of corrupting, removing or replacing I-frames is a very popular video datamoshing technique and what this tutorial will focus on.

Another video datamoshing technique involves selecting one or more P-frames and duplicating them multiple times consecutively. This results in the same P-frame data being applied to one picture over and over again, accentuating the movement and creating what’s known as a Bloom effect.

For this tutorial we’ll be using Avidemux, a free, cross platform video editing application. Generally the effects of datamoshing are viewed as errors, or undesirable and thus applications like Avidemux try their best to correct these errors and eliminate glitching distortion. For this reason the latest version of Avidemux isn’t very good for datamoshing, but some older versions, such as 2.5.6, available here, work just fine.

After downloading and installing Avidemux 2.5.6 Open the video you want to mosh.


Avidemux may show warnings depending on the type of file you’re using, select No and continue.


Once the video is loaded we’ll be making a small change to allow us to remove I-frames and still have a playable video. Under Video on the left side of the interface use the dropdown to change the selection from Copy to MPEG-4 ASP (Xvid).


Next click the Configure button below the Video dropdown on the left. Select the Frame tab and then change the Maximum I-frame Interval from 300 to 99999999 then click OK. By changing this setting we’re allowing the video file to be played back even if it has unusually few I-frames, one every 99999999 frames.


With this setting changed the video must be saved and then reloaded for it to take effect. Save the video with a new name to indicate that the Maximum I-frame Interval has been adjusted.


Open the new video, select No if Avidemux displays any warnings. Once opened, change the Video dropdown on the left side of the interface back to Copy. We won’t be changing the encoding or any settings of the video at this point, we’re just going to remove I-frames and then Save it.


To remove I-frames we use the slider at the bottom of the interface, it displays the current frame type below the video navigation buttons, you’ll mostly see Frame Type: I (00) and Frame Type: P (00). The first frame will most likely be an I-frame and should be left in so that the video can start properly. To locate other I-frames click on the slider tab/grip to focus the slider then press the Up Arrow on your keyboard to jump to the next I-frame, the Down Arrow will jump to the previous I-frame.

In order to remove an I-frame we must select it, this is done by marking an in point and an out point, these points are referred to as A and B in Avidemux and the frames of video between these two points are considered selected. Once you have found an I-frame click on the mark A button under the slider. You should see a blue border identify the new selection, starting at the slider grip and encompassing the remaining frames in the video.


Pressing delete now would delete the current I-frame and all subsequent frames so we have to reduce the selection to only the I-frame. This is done be pressing the Right Arrow key to move to the next frame and then clicking the mark B button below the slider. The blue selection border should update to show only the I-frame selected as illustrated below.


Now that only a single I-frame is selected press the Delete key on your keyboard to remove it. To remove all the I-frames use the Up Arrow to move to the next one and repeat the removal process. Try to avoid moving backwards through the video once you’ve removed I-frames as this can cause Avidemux to crash, stick to moving forward through the I-frames and removing them.

After you’ve removed one or more I-frames, Save the video and again select No if Avidemux prompts or warns you about something, smart copy for instance.


Once the video is saved open it up in your favorite player and evaluate the havoc you’ve wrought upon it.

The video included in this post was datamoshed using this technique, however the audio was slowed down using traditional video editing.#corruptabsolutely


For those of you unable to run Avidemux 2.5.6 on OSX you can try running Avidemux 2.5.4 on Yosemite and Lion thanks to some instructions from Way over at Glichet.

  • Go to the Avidemux 2.5.4 binary archive here
  • Download avidemux2_2.5.4_intel.dmg
  • Unpack it and then drag avidemux2 to your Applications folder
  • Navigate to the Applications folder, right-click (or control+click) on avidemux2, and click Show Package Contents
  • Delete libxml.2.dylib and libiconv.2.dylib from the Contents/Resources/lib folder. *libxml.2.dylib can also be named libxml2.2.dylib
  • Open avidemux2



How to glitch images with WordPad

Sometimes glitching images can be as easy as opening them and saving them again — and that’s exactly the case when image bending with Microsoft WordPad. WordPad is a basic word processor that is included with almost all versions of Microsoft Windows from Windows 95 onwards. If you are running Microsoft Windows then you’ve probably got WordPad on your system, and you can datamosh images with it.

If you don’t have the time or inclination to glitch images using WordPad you can use dedicated apps such as Glitch for iOS.


To start glitching with WordPad we need to convert our source image to a BMP (Bitmap) file. This can be done with any image editing software, but since this tutorial is about WordPad we’re going to use one of its fellow Microsoft applications, Microsoft Paint, which is also included with most versions of Microsoft Windows. If you can’t find Paint, press the Win + R keys, type in “pbrush” and press Enter, Paint should open. Open your file and then choose Save as and BMP picture.


Then select 24-bit Bitmap (*.bmp;*.dib) from the Save as type dropdown, other types of BMP will work as well to varying degrees.


Next we need to open the BMP in WordPad. If you can’t find WordPad, press the Win + R keys, type in “write” and press Enter, WordPad should open. Open your BMP image in WordPad by selecting All Documents(*.*) in the dropdown beside the File name field.


Wait for WordPad to load the image as a document and then press Ctrl+S on your keyboard to Save or use the menu to Save the file.

That’s all there is to it. The process of opening and saving the image using WordPad invokes what has been dubbed the WordPad Effect. You can also try deleting some random text from the file before saving, but it’s not required to glitch the image. The splash image for this post was simply opened and then saved, the WordPad Effect did the rest.


So what’s going on here? For the curious, a cursory comparison of the before and after files seems to confirm my suspicion that the transformation, at least in some part, has to do with WordPad converting line breaks when it loads in the image. Line breaks are some bytes that tell text editors and word processors where they should break the text and continue on the next line.

Different operating systems handled them slightly differently, the bytes involved are what’s called a Line Feed, represented by 0x0A in hexadecimal, and a carriage return, 0x0D in hexadecimal. This nomenclature comes from mechanical typewriters where a line of physical paper is fed through the roller (line feed) and the carriage is returned to the beginning of the line (carriage return). In text editors the meaning is the same, a 0x0A tells the editor to move to the next line and a 0x0D tells the editor to move to the beginning of the line.

Image files don’t contain any line feeds or carriage returns, but since WordPad looks at the image data as if it were text it looks for 0x0D and 0x0A in the image file which mean something completely unrelated for images. WordPad attempts to clean up what it thinks is a text file by ensuring that all line breaks have a line feed and a carriage return, so when it finds 0x0D without an accompanying 0x0A, it adds one, and when it finds an 0x0A without an 0x0D it adds one there as well. Because 0x0A and 0x0D mean different things for images, when WordPad thinks it’s correcting a text file in actuality its corrupting the image — et voilà, the WordPad Effect. #corruptabsolutely

How to datamosh videos with data corruption

Glitching videos with data corruption can be a tricky process. This is owing to the fact that video formats are substantially more complex than image formats. Since video formats contain audio and timing information in addition to visual information corrupting the wrong section of a video file can quickly render the file unplayable rather than delightfully distorted.

This tutorial will focus on glitching the popular MP4 and MOV formats containing video compressed with the H.264 standard. If the video you want to destroy is not in MP4 or MOV format already an easy way to convert it is to upload it to YouTube, let them convert it, and then download the result. If a video doesn’t set off any copyright claims you can download it from the YouTube Video Manager in MP4 format.

Get started by making a copy of your MOV or MP4 and open the copy in a hex editor — never edit the original file. If you don’t have a hex editor installed there are some freeware options listed at the bottom of this post. Hex editors allow us to view and edit the bytes of a file using hexadecimal. Editing the file using hex rather than text allows greater flexibility since we’re no longer restricted to text characters (which are each represented by two hex digits).

We know that we’re looking at an MP4 or MOV file when we see the text ftypqt starting on the fifth byte of the file as illustrated in the example below.


The MP4 and MOV (Quicktime) formats utilize a similar structure, the file is broken down into atoms or blocks of data. The atom which contains the raw frame and audio data can be identified by it’s atom type string, which in this case is mdat (short for media data).

mov mp4 hex mdat

The data contained within the mdat atom is comprised of chunks, which are comprised of nal units, which are comprised of slices. For the purposes of this tutorial we won’t delve that deep. Finding the mdat atom can be done by searching the file for the string “mdat” as seen in the above image. Notice that the contents of the mdat atom seem quite random when viewed in a hex editor, in contrast the contents of the other atoms in MP4 and MOV files are very structured. With this information we can easily find the end of the mdat atom by scrolling through it (or up from the bottom of the file) to see where the data starts to look random as illustrated in the image below.


Here we can see that the mdat atom is followed by the moov atom (and an mvhd atom after that), this is not always the case as the order of the atoms can be different. What’s important to note though is that the file is visibly more structured after the mdat atom, this is how we can identify where the mdat atom ends. The mdat atom, in all cases, will either continue to the end of the file or it will be followed by another atom identified by a 4-character string such as the moov atom does in the above example. Using this method we can identify both the start and the end of the mdat atom, and in turn where we can corrupt only the mdat atom’s contents and have a fair chance of the video still being playable.

Once we’ve identified the boundaries of mdat atom we can begin to copy and paste, replace or edit portions of the raw hex data (or the text ASCII data, either will work) of the video and check the result along the way by attempting to play the video. Making backup copies after every successful change will avoid heartaches when, not if, a misstep renders the video unplayable.

Some notes on successful corrupting:

  • It doesn’t take much corruption to add bizarre distortion to a video, even corrupting as little as 10% of a file, a couple of bytes here and there, has the potential to send playback into a wild frenzy.
  • While not required, most data in the mdat will be in sequence so if we want to corrupt a specific portion of the video we can estimate the offset of the data for that portion is in the mdat based on its time.
  • The mdat atom will also contain raw audio data so if the audio becomes distorted during playback we know we’ve gone too far, or started too early, in the mdat atom.
  • Copying and pasting hex within nal units is probably the best way to corrupt H.264 video data as you’ll be shuffling valid data around rather than adding outright gibberish.
  • As mentioned previously the mdat is comprised of chunks, as chunks and the nal units contained within them have structure it’s best to corrupt small portions of data in various spots rather than large swaths. Corrupting large regions of data will inevitably cross over structure boundaries and destroy important information regarding the type of nal unit or slice.
  • To stay inside nal units look for hex 67, 68 or 00 00 01 as these sequences can denote the beginning of a new nal unit.
  • This definitely falls under the bull in a china shop category of datamoshing video so don’t be discouraged if it takes a couple of restarts to get a playable result.

The video included in this post was glitched using this technique, however the audio was slowed down using traditional video editing.

As with any glitch-by-corruption technique, it requires a soft touch — too little has no effect, too much can destroy the file, but just enough results in glorious, glorious corruption. #corruptabsolutely



How to glitch images using pixel sorting

Pixel sorting is the process of isolating a horizontal or vertical line of pixels in an image and sorting their positions based on any number of criteria. For instance pixels positions may be sorted by each pixel’s luminosity, hue or saturation. Manual pixel sorting, while possible, would be overly time consuming, instead Pixel sorting is accomplished using scripting or programming languages.

If you don’t have the time or inclination to pixel sort images using scripts you can use dedicated apps such as Glitch for iOS.


One popular programming language for pixel sorting is Processing. To get started download and install the latest version of Processing, version 3.1.1 at the time of writing this. Next select a pixel sorting script to start from, my own pixel sorting scripts are not written for Processing so for the purposes of this tutorial we’ll use a popular script made available by glitch artist Kim Asendorf, the ASDF Pixel Sort.

Download the ASDFPixelSort.pde from Kim’s GitHub repository by clicking the green button labelled Clone or download and select Download ZIP. If you’re familiar with GitHub you can do this a number of other ways. Once you’ve downloaded the ZIP you can extract the sorting script and open it in Processing by selecting:

File > Open

And navigating to the ASDFPixelSort.pde script file. In the script, which are referred to as sketches in Processing, you’ll need to change the following lines to point the script at the image you want to pixel sort:

// image path is relative to sketch directory
PImage img;
String imgFileName = "MyImage";
String fileType = "png";

For this tutorial we’ll use a PNG, though Processing supports GIF, JPG and TGA as well. Place your PNG in the same directory as the ASDFPixelSort.pde (which Processing may have placed in a new sub directory) and update the script with the filename.

Once you’ve updated the script with the name of your file simply press the Run button at the top left of the Processing window (it looks like a play button) and in a few seconds you should see a window with the results, a new image should also be saved to the sketch directory.


This particular script loops through both the columns and the rows of the image, but it doesn’t pixel sort the entire column or row, if it did, the result would look more like a blank gradient than anything interesting. Instead for each column and row it looks for a pixel to start sorting on and then it looks for a pixel to stop sorting on — this makes the algorithm somewhat intelligent resulting in identifiable elements of the image being left untouched.

In order to decide which pixel to start sorting on and which to stop sorting on this script can operate in three different modes. The mode can be changed by adjusting the mode variable, by default it is set to 1, but can be changed to either 0 or 2 as well. Different modes will work better depending on the image itself.

 sorting modes
 0 = black
 1 = brightness
 2 = white

In mode 0, or black mode, the script will begin sorting when it finds a pixel which is not black in the column or row, and will stop sorting when it finds a black pixel. The script identifies black pixels by comparing the pixel’s color value to a threshold, if it’s lower than the black threshold the pixel is deemed to not be black, if it’s higher it’s deemed to be black. You can adjust this threshold by changing the blackValue variable which is by default set to -16000000.


In mode 1, or brightness mode, the script will begin sorting when it finds a pixel which is bright in the column or row, and will stop sorting when it finds a dark pixel. The script identifies black pixels by comparing the pixel’s brightness value to a threshold, if it’s lower than the brightness threshold the pixel is deemed to be dark, if it’s higher it’s deemed to be bright. You can adjust this threshold by changing the brightnessValue variable which is by default set to 60.


In mode 2, or white mode, the script will begin sorting when it finds a pixel which is not white in the column or row, and will stop sorting when it finds a white pixel. The script identifies white pixels by comparing the pixel’s color value to a threshold, if it’s lower than the white threshold the pixel is deemed to not be white, if it’s higher it’s deemed to be white. You can adjust this threshold by changing the whiteValue variable which is by default set to -13000000.


The script can also be run many times to apply the pixel sorting effect multiple times. This can be set by adjusting the loops variable which is by default set to 1.

int loops = 1;

// threshold values to determine sorting start and end pixels
int blackValue = -16000000;
int brightnessValue = 60;
int whiteValue = -13000000;

Pixel sorting is a powerful, and fun, concept. Start by trying out different modes and adjusting the various threshold values. From there you can try moving the row sorting above the column sorting, this will result in more visible vertical sorting (similar to the featured image of this post) as whichever sort is performed last will have the greatest impact on the final image. Alternately you can rotate your image in image editing software before pixel sorting it and then rotate it back to accomplish a similar result. If you break the script, just download the original and get back to experimenting.

  // loop through columns
  while(column < width-1) {
    println("Sorting Column " + column);
  // loop through rows
  while(row < height-1) {
    println("Sorting Row " + column);

Some scripts haven’t been updated in a while. If the script you are trying to use is having errors (that don’t seem to do with not finding your image) right from the get-go you might want to try an early version of Processing, versions 2.2.1 and 1.5.1 are listed towards the bottom of the download page.

For more advanced pixel sorting scripts you can have a look at Jeff Thompson’s GitHub which has a number of examples. At the time of writing this I was experiencing errors running them though — they may need updating to function correctly, or at all. If you’ve got the hang of Processing than there’s no reason why you can’t craft an entirely original script. There are two main concepts to explore here, the first is how to determine which pixels to sort, and the second is how to sort them. I’ve had success experimenting with hue based sorting, as well as combining pixel sorting with Sobel edge detection algorithms. #corruptabsolutely

iOS (iPhone, iPad)




How to glitch images using audio editing software

Images can be pleasantly destroyed in a great number of ways, some of the best results come from applying transformation algorithms to the raw image data. Applying filter algorithms to images is something one would normally use software like Adobe Photoshop for, however, using audio processing software instead can yield much more interesting, and unexpected, results.

If you don’t have the time or inclination to manually glitch images with audio processing software you can use dedicated apps such as Glitch for iOS.


Firstly we’ll need some audio processing software, many will work, Audacity is free, supports many platforms and works quite well for glitching images. Secondly we’ll need a databending-friendly image, the BMP format works well for this type of bending. Once we have an image and Audacity installed, open Audacity and import the image by selecting:

File > Import > Raw Data


Audacity will then ask for some information about the file we are importing, we’re going to lie, for Encoding select either U-Law or A-Law. We will have to export with the same encoding setting so remember which was selected. Defaults will work fine for the rest of the import options.


The image will now be open as an audio file, I don’t suggest pressing play. Now we can select any portion of the file or its entirety by clicking and dragging on the waveform (the chart-like display). In some cases it’s better avoid selecting the beginning (first 5-10 seconds of the waveform) of the file as this contains the file header, a section of the file which contains information needed to display the image, if the image won’t display after exporting consider leaving the header intact.

Once we have a selection, we can apply any of the filters under the Effects menu. I have found the Invert, Reverb, Reverse, Wahwah, Compressor and Echo work quite well, but here is where you can experiment. You’ll see the waveform change as each filter effect is applied. The hero image of this post was created using the Compressor and Echo filters applied to the entire file.

Once we’ve applied one or more filter effects we can export the data back to an image by selecting:

File > Export Audio

Change the filename back to the proper image extension, in this case BMP. The Save as type should be set to Other uncompressed files, the Header should be set to RAW (header-less) and the Encoding should be set to either U-Law or A-Law depending on which was chosen during the import process.


Audacity may complain that not all is well with the filename, and perhaps prompt for metadata but these prompts can be accepted and ignored.

All that’s left is to check the result — in an image viewer, not a music player. #corruptabsolutely

Audacity Forums